Apple has announced iPads with fingerprint sensors and an iMac with a super high resolution display. In comparison to the 7.5-millimetre-thick iPad Air, the new iPad Air 2 is just 6.1 millimetres. The display size (9.7 inches diagonally) and the resolution (2048 by 1536 pixels) are unchanged.
The new iPad Mini 3 is equipped with a fingerprint sensor integrated into the Home button, but otherwise has the same 7.9-inch display (2048 x 1536 pixels) and technology as the Mini 2.
Apple's all-in-one PC, the iMac, under the name Retina 5K now offers an extremely high resolution 27-inch display with 5120 x 2880 pixels. In terms of processors, users can choose between a Core-i5 (3.5 Gigahertz) or a Core-i7 (4 Gigahertz), each with four cores from Intel's Haswell range.
The computer comes with an AMD Radeon R9 M290X graphics card with 2 GB RAM. Also available as an option is the Radeon R9 M295X with 4 GB RAM. Connections include two Thunderbolt-2 ports that can transfer up to 20 Gigabit per second.
The new OS X operating system, 10.10 (Yosemite), is also now available. Mac users can download it as a free download from the Mac App Store. An update for the mobile operating system iOS to version 8.1 has also been announced.
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