The police in Uttar Pradesh, India, have registered a case against 10 boys for wearing T-shirts of Pakistani cricket team during Muharram procession. They have been charged for acting "prejudicial to national integration and causing communal disharmony".
The boys, aged under 12, were part of the Muharram procession in Kalyan Chapad Chotta village in Kushinagar district, considered communally sensitive. The Indian Express reported that the police have named five boys in the case while five others are yet to be named. The daily cited SP Kushinagar Lalit Kumar Singh as saying, "An FIR has been lodged but nobody has been arrested". He did not explain why the case was registered.
Kushinagar DM Lokesh M told the newspaper that it was a small issue and the district administration is trying to sort it out. "These children were wearing those T-shirts and once it was pointed out, they removed it immediately," he said.
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