Four persons including a woman and child died and three other injured in different incidents in district Swat. According to Police a tractor bound for thrashing fell into ravine after the driver lost control on it in Totano Banda, a mountainous area of Tehsil Kabal Friday night. The incident resulted in the killing of the driver, Fazal Rabi son of Sher Afzal and Sher Mohammad son of Maumbar, residents of Totano Banda on the spot.
The locals started relief operation and recovered the bodies of both deceased and rushed them to Saidu Sharif Hospital. However, doctors confirmed their death.
Meanwhile, in another incident due to gas leakage fire broke out in a house in Haji Baba area of Mingora. The incident resulted in the inflicting born injuries on the owner Adalat Khan and his wife Mst. Bibi Ayesha. For provision of immediate medical treatment, they were rushed to Saidu Sharif Hospital where the conditions of the woman were stated to be critical.
In another incident two brothers Arif Hussain and Tariq Hussain sons of Dost Mohammad allegedly stabbed a teenager in knife attack in Khawazakhela area. The furious brothers allegedly attacked Hasham Khan, 13, son of Usman Ali with knife while his elder brother Azaz and the injured and deceased were rushed to Civil Hospital, Khawazakhela. Police has arrested both accused brothers and registered case against them.
Furthermore, a minor died while father injured in boulder fall in Bahrain area of the district. Police said that a labourer Usman Ghani was digging mountain on the bank of a stream while his seven year son was also present; when all of a sudden a heavy boulder fell on them. Seven year old boy died on the spot while both legs of the labourer were broken.
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