Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Vice Chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that both PML-N and PPP have been rejected by the people. Addressing a massive gathering of supporters at Jinnah Stadium in Gujranwala on Sunday, Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that exit of corrupt rulers was imperative to achieve the goal of naya (new) Pakistan. He said that Imran Khan got two wickets with one ball, one in Larkana on Friday and the second in Gujranwala today.
He urged the people of Gujranwala to take part in party's political showdown on November 30. The PTI leader also denounced the rallies taken out by PML-N in Gujranwala today. "Why is a PML-N staging rally in Gujranwala while procession is being held by the PTI?" he questioned.
He contended that new leadership was necessary to make a naya Pakistan.
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