Police arrested two suspects from Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf rally in Gujranwala, who were reportedly carrying explosive material with them. According to details, duty policemen arrested a suspected man from Jinnah Stadium, Gujranwala, who was said to be carrying explosive material with him. The suspect was found close enough to the stage, where the PTI leaders were seated.
Following the arrest, policemen nabbed another suspect upon the identification of the first one. Officials told that both the suspected miscreants were carrying explosive material with them and they could possibly target the mammoth PTI rally.
Here, it is relative to mention that 2000 police personnel are deployed at the security duty of the PTI's public rally at Jinnah Stadium in Gujranwala, while 15 vehicles of the Elite Force are also patrolling outside the venue.
Apart from this, 24 CCTV have also been installed at the inside and outside of the venue, for the sake of effective surveillance.
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