President Landhi Association of Trade and Industry (LATI), Hussain Kuli khan has sought the help of Sindh Chief Minister, Syed Qaim Ali Shah to direct Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB) to restore normal water supply to Landhi industrial area. In a letter to the chief minister, he said that Landhi industrial area facing acute water shortage since last many months and it has become extremely difficult for the industries to complete export orders.
Landhi Industrial zone is an export oriented sector and is a major employment provider to the city of Karachi. It is already struggling to remain competitive in the global market with rising costs. The daily shortage of water supply is now creating problem for the industries to meet their deadlines. It is also pertinent to inform that Landhi industrial area is one of the largest industrial areas of Karachi as well as Pakistan. We are also one of the higher exporters of Pakistan that adds huge share in the economy of Pakistan. The contribution of exports of all industries of Karachi including Landhi Industrial Area is 50% of total exports but we are sorry to say that no one is taking care of us. It seems that we are being neglected totally. Thousands of labourers on daily wages are suffering on regular basis due to daily shutdown. We are being seriously hurt and affected due to acute shortage of water on daily basis for last many months. The industries in Landhi are being forced to either shift or shut down their operations.
KWSB repeatedly give assurances that the situation would improve soon, so far, failed to resolve the crucial issue. He totally condemn the lame excuse of KWSB that electric breakdown affect the water supply as all hydrants in the area are providing water supply to all tankers but industries have to face serious shortage.
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