Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has taken strict notice of the murder of an MQM office-bearer, Bao Muhammad Anwar, in Sialkot and sought a report from the DPO of Sialkot as well as issued instructions for immediate arrest of the culprits.
He directed that the tragic incident should be thoroughly investigated and the arrest of the accused involved in the case should be ensured. The CM also expressed deep sense of sorrow and grief with the bereaved family of Bao Muhammad Anwar and assured that the culprits would not be able to escape justice.
Meanwhile, the CM telephoned Sindh Governor Ishratul Eibad on Wednesday and strongly condemned the murder of district office-bearer of MQM Bao Muhammad Anwar in Sialkot. He also expressed shock and grief over the incident. He said that early arrest of criminals will be ensured and special teams have been constituted for this purpose. Shahbaz Sharif said he was personally monitoring the efforts for apprehending the accused and the pace of investigation of the case. An official spokesman said that on the special instructions of Shahbaz Sharif, raids were being conducted at various places for apprehending the accused.
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