There's an entire network of cables criss-crossing the world, sending floods of telephone and internet information generated every minute on its way, whether to Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia or the Americas. Anyone wanting a closer look is generally out of luck, as the cables are beneath the ocean. But a new website, Submarine Cable Map, provides a different angle, with a map showing where the cables run.
Clicking on one of the lines illustrating a cable brings up a list of the cable's length and owners, as well as the countries connected.
Looking through the site unleashes a flood of information. Who knew there was a more-than-30,000-kilometre cable connecting the west coast of the United States with Hawaii, the Fijian islands, Australia and New Zealand?
Another fun fact: not one, but two cables connects the Arctic Ocean Spitsbergen islands with mainland Norway.
The map's information is regularly updated, allowing new looks into global communication and driving the point home that all the world's nations are connected.
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