Tight supplies of phutti helped rates to go up on the cotton market on Friday in the process of trading, dealers said. The official spot rate was unchanged at Rs 4,800, they added. In the ready session, around 20,000 bales of cotton changed hands between Rs 4600-5100, they said. In Sindh, prices were unchanged at Rs 1600 and Rs 2500, in Punjab inferior quality rose by Rs 200 to Rs 2200 while the best type was unmoved at Rs 2600, they said.
According to the market sources, demand is gaining momentum for quality cotton, which helped prices to look ahead. Cotton analyst, Naseem Usman said that fog in the Punjab is causing a problem for ginners, who are not able to lift and carry the stuff in a proper way.
The following deals reported: 400 bales from Moro at Rs 4600, 2000 bales from Khairpur at Rs 4700, 200 bales from Silanwali at Rs 4650, 1000 bales from Hasilpur at Rs 4700/4775, 400 bales from Burewala at Rs 4700, 400 bales from Haroonabad at Rs 4825, 600 bales from Ahmedpur at Rs 4850, 600 bales from Ghazi Ghat at Rs 4825, 400 bales from Uch Sharif at Rs 4875, 600 bales from Noorpur at Rs 4875, 800 bales from Layyah at Rs 4900, 3000 bales from Yazman Mandi at Rs 4900-5000, 400 bales from Galaywal at Rs 4925, 400 bales from Lodhran at Rs 4925, 1000 bales from Sadiqabad at Rs 5000-5100, 1000 bales from Rahim Yar Khan at Rs 5000-5100, 1000 bales from Dera Ghazi Khan at Rs 5100, 3000 bales from Khanpur at Rs 5100 and 1000 bales from Alipur at Rs 5100, they said.
The KCA Official Spot Rate for Local Dealings in Pakistan Rupees
Rate Ex-Gin Upcountry Spot Rate Spot Rate Difference
For Price Ex-Karachi Ex. KHI. As Ex-Karachi
on 24.12.2014
37.324 Kgs 4,800 150 4,950 4,900 NIL
40 Kgs 5,144 160 5,304 5,251 NIL
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