The Central Jail Hyderabad's Superintendent Aijaz Hyder informed the Sindh High Court (SHC) here on Tuesday that Syed Qari Hashim Shah, who was acquitted in US journalist Daniel Pearl's murder case, has been released from the prison. The court was hearing a petition filed by Syed Khalid Imran Shah, brother, who maintained that despite the acquittal orders by Anti-Terrorism Court on October 23, 2014, his brother has not been released from the prison.
His counsel, advocate Sher Muhammad Laghari apprised the SHC that Hashim was detained for 90 days under Maintenance of Public Order (MPO) Ordinance but even that period of detention had completed on January 19, 2015. In his reply, the Jail Superintendent informed the court that Hashim was released from the jail on January 19. However, the petitioner's counsel challenged the claim. The SHC deferred the hearing to March 26.
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