A local jirga in Ghotki ordered a village worker on Saturday to give two minor girls as Wani and pay Rs5 lac cash on the charges of injuring the sister of a landlord. According to details, the incident occurred in the Haji Khan village where the jirga on the basis of doubt accused the labourer Sukheo Mehar of allegedly wounding the sister of influential landlord Allah Yar Khan Mehar.
Despite not proving the labourer as guilty, the jirga ordered him to pay the landlord a sum of Rs5 lac along with giving two daughters as Wani.
The ill-fated labourer sold all his savings, cattle and other goods and paid the amount to the landlord, however; he left the village after refusing to give his daughters in Wani.
The displaced family has appealed the authorities to save the life of their two daughters as it fears that the land lord would forcibly kidnap the two girls.
Wani is a cultural custom found in some tribal areas of Pakistan wherein young girls are forcibly married as part of punishment for a crime committed by their male relatives.
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