"For avoidance of doubt there will be no subsequent retail offer," said an HBL notice the Karachi Stock Exchange made public Monday. The price range for the offer has been set at par value of Rs 10 per share at a premium. The consolidated financial accounts of the bank show that the book value of HBL''''s per share stood at Rs 80.93, Rs 89.06 and Rs 100.40 in 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively.
The bank''''s profit after tax increased from Rs 22.7 billion in 2012 to Rs 23.0 billion in 2013 and Rs 31.8 billion in 2014. The years under review saw the HBL''''s earning per share (EPS) standing at Rs 15.47, Rs 15.59 and Rs 21.63.
Total assets of the bank grew from Rs 1.61 trillion in 2012 to Rs 1.86 trillion in 2014. The actively traded banking scrip announced per share cash dividend of Rs 7.5 in 2012, Rs 8.0 in 2013 and Rs 12.0 in 2014 with its bonus dividends for the first two years, 2012 and 2013, standing at 10 percent each.
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