Life & Style

‘Hero’ donkey tortured by political party supporters dies

After fighting for its life for a week, 'Hero' the donkey passed away on Monday, who was recused by a non-government
Published July 23, 2018

After fighting for its life for a week, 'Hero' the donkey passed away on Monday, who was recused by a non-government organization (NGO) after it was brutally tortured by the supporters of a political party.

ACF Animal Rescue revealed in a post on social media today that the donkey, who was named Hero by the NGO, was getting better and even managed to stand up on his own but his internal injuries, due to the violence he faced, were too much for him to bear.

“Our Hero just passed away. Hero should never had suffered for even a moment in life. Hero was the epitome of purity and innocence. Shame on us for doing this to him and not being able to curtail this menace of torture and abuse of animals and human beings alike,” ACF wrote on social media.

Muniba Mazari, the goodwill ambassador for UN Women Pakistan and motivational speaker, also expressed her sorrow on social media. “Hero is dead and so is our conscience! Shame,” she tweeted.

Many others also condemned this brutal incident and exhibited their wrath on social media.

The donkey was rescued by the NGO on July 16 in a critical condition. According to the NGO, supporters of a political party tortured the animal and wrote slogans against rival party on the donkey to prove a point against the opposing party. The NGO said that the donkey was beaten to a pulp, punched in the face and abdomen several times, nose broken, kicked all over his body until he collapsed. The incident led many social media users to share their grief and anger.


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