The rupee fell modestly against the dollar on the interbank market on Monday in the process of trading activity, dealers said. The rupee could not come out of present weakness, losing nine-paisa in terms of the dollar for buying and selling at Rs 104.33 and Rs 104.35 respectively, they said.
INTERBANK MARKET RATES: OPEN MARKET RATES: The rupee showed no change in relation to the dollar for buying and selling at Rs 104.45 and Rs 104.65 respectively. It also did not show any variations in terms of the euro for buying and selling at Rs 116.00 and Rs 117.00, they said.
In the first Asian trade, the dollar clawed back some of the ground it had lost against the yen, after skidding on mixed US employment data that failed to bring much clarity to the timing of the US Federal Reserve's long-awaited interest rate hike.
The dollar added about 0.3 percent against the yen to 119.38, moving away from a session low of 118.66 and taking back some of Friday's 1 percent tumble, though many investors said the greenback's downside remains vulnerable.
The dollar was trading against the dollar at Rs 66.70, greenback was at 4.3070 in terms of the Malaysian ringgit and the US currency was available at 6.3676 versus the Chinese yuan. Interbank buy/sell rates for the taka against the dollar on Monday: 77.80-77.80 (previous 77.80-77.81). Call Money Rates: 05.30-6.50 percent (Previous 05.25-06.50 percent).
Open Bid Rs 104.45
Open Offer Rs.104.65
Interbank Closing Rates: Interbank Closing Rates For Dollar on Monday.
Bid Rate Rs.104.33
Offer Rate Rs.104.35
RUPEE IN LAHORE: The rupee has remained firm against the greenback and the British Pound at the open currency markets of Lahore.
Currency dealers said on Monday that the dollar resumed trading at Saturday's closing rates of Rs 104.65 and Rs 104.90 on the buying and selling counters, respectively, though following less demand by the greenback at the local kerb, lost its worth by five-paisa and closed at Rs 104.60 and Rs 104.85 on the buying and selling counters, respectively.
The local currency appreciated its worth against the British Pound, purchased and sold at Rs 158.10 and Rs 158.70 as against Rs 158.15 and Rs 159.10 on Saturday, the dealers said.
RUPEE IN ISLAMABAD AND RAWALPINDI: The rupee has remained firm against the greenback and the British Pound at the open currency markets of Lahore.
Currency dealers said on Monday that the dollar resumed trading at Saturday's closing rates of Rs 104.65 and Rs 104.90 on the buying and selling counters, respectively, though following less demand by the greenback at the local kerb, lost its worth by five-paisa and closed at Rs 104.60 and Rs 104.85 on the buying and selling counters, respectively. The local currency appreciated its worth against the British Pound, purchased and sold at Rs 158.10 and Rs 158.70 as against Rs 158.15 and Rs 159.10 on Saturday, the dealers said.
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