More then two hundred Ulemas belonging to different sects have announced their support for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf candidates in the by-election scheduled for Sunday. A delegation of ulema led by All-Sects Ulema Board senior vice-chairman Allama Muhammad Younas Hassan met PTI Punjab organiser Chaudhary Mohammad Sarwar here on Saturday and announced their support for the PTI in the Sunday's by-election.
Chaudhary Sarwar said that not only opposition's political and religious parties but all Laborites were standing with the PTI and therefore it would defeat the PML-N, who was thriving on rigging alone. "Today's by-election is not between two political parties, but the PTI is also fighting against Pakistan and Punjab administration and bureaucracy. He said the PML-N was busy in planning pre-poll rigging and stressed that `rigging' could only be defeated through the votes. Therefore, he stressed, that people should come out on polling day and stamp cricket bat. "This election is a referendum against the corrupt and incompetent rulers as well as pay respect to those, who laid their lives as well as those participated in the 126-day sit in," he said.
Chaudhary Sarwar said the PTI had kept its patience despite PML-N government's tactics. However, he said, the "bat"would hit all those forces, who would try to rig the election on Sunday (today). He said the PTI workers would actively respond to all those, who would try to rig the elections. Allama Muhammad Younas Hassan said his party was with the PTI in its war for change and added that his party voters would also vote for the PTI candidate. He said the residents of NA-122 would announce their decision against the corrupt rulers on Sunday (today).
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