I have to address the people of Sindh on the occasion of World AIDS Day 2015 organised by the Sindh AIDS Control Program with the theme "Getting to Zero". The HIV epidemic has emerged as the fast outpacing global health problem stalking substantial segment of the population and is now regarded as one of the greatest social and security issue facing the world today.
We must take HIV AIDS out of isolation and to create a broad social movement that will accelerate progress towards the millennium development goals. The goals of realising human rights as fundamental to the global fight against AIDS protecting people affected by HIV which is a major human right challenge. They should be empowered to have access to all facilities. The disease, if not checked in letter and spirit by concerned officials and other stake holders assigned the ambitious task, would spell disastrous consequences for the humanity across the global. The magnitude of the disease warrants both short term solutions which would go a long way overcoming its magnitude.
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