KP Chief Minister Pervez Khattak has said that operation against terrorists across the province is urgent need and asked the security forces and law-enforcement agencies for initiating indiscriminate operation to restore durable peace. Talking to media in Nowshera on Sunday, he said the provincial government is agreed for extending all kind of cooperation in this regard.
Demanding of the Prime Minister for convening of another All Parties Conference (APC), he said that the elimination of terrorism, political and military leadership should once again set together. He termed attack on Bacha Khan University a big tragedy and said that the whole nation, political and military leadership are on one page against the terrorism. He said that it is time of point scoring, as terrorism is affecting all while Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is worst affected.
The chief minister said that terrorists are threatening attacks on more educational institutions. Therefore, the convening of an APC comprising of both political and military leadership is need of the time to evolve a unanimous line of action against terrorism.
The chief minister said that security forces and law-enforcement agencies should join hands with police and declared emergency across the province to conduct door-to-door search operation. He also stressed need for taking full-pledge action all illegal residents including Afghan refugees.
Pervez Khattak also asked the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) for joining hands with the government of Afghanistan to prepare a time-frame for the repatriation of Afghan refugees. He said that the economy of their province is already affected by the terrorism. Therefore, they could not host Afghan refugees anymore. He said that the long stay of Afghan refugees is deteriorating law and order situation in the province from bad to worse.
He proposed that federal government should seal border with Afghanistan and only lawful crossing of the border should be allowed or Afghan refugees should be granted nationality to bring them into the legal framework. Presently they are not subservient to Pakistan in any way.
He also urged the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to keep watch on their surroundings and in case of suspicious activities informed the control rooms of police with immediate effect.
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