"France, Australia, Austria, Brazil and Sweden have ordered investigations while Russia, Ukraine and need I add Pakistan have argued that the Panama papers do not contain anything concrete and nothing new so there is no need for an investigation."
"So what's the big deal?"
"The big deal my friend is that those countries where the head of government's democratic credentials are not strong there is not going to be any investigation subsequent to the leak and in contrast, those countries where democracy is entrenched have committed to an investigation."
"Ah I see where you are going with this but Nawaz Sharif is not responsible for his children is he? They have lived for more than 20 years abroad and were victimised by Musharraf even though they were not in politics and..."
"I concede all this but in return all I ask Dar the Finance Minister to do is to make it mandatory for all Pakistanis defined as holding our passport to declare their global wealth and in addition all those who hold public office in this country to declare not only their own assets but those of their immediate family members as well including grown up children. Hussain Nawaz did say that all his wealth is his father's as he is a dutiful son and..."
"You are out of your mind - there is no way Dar would keep his job if he does that, besides Dar's children run million dollar empires in Dubai I hear and..."
"That should be the minimum lesson learned from the papers don't you think! And the maximum should be for the government to go the US route - wherever you are and whatever you do you have to file a tax return."
"You are as unrealistic as Dar is in terms of his doctored data, anyway I wanted to tell people like Gates and Zukerberg (the men who made billions...) to eat their hearts out...that the days of the dot.com millionaires are over - history has begun to repeat itself. Hussain and Hassan Nawaz Sharif have made millions from the traditional sources of business - you know refurbishing flats and selling them at a profit and the steel business..."
"I thought China dumping has left even the Tata's selling their steel business in the UK and..."
"You are so... so not with it."
"I agree."
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