The scorching summer heathas already settled in Karachi. The mounting temperature, sweltering air, harsh atmosphere, high humidityleveland heat related ailments has been increasing the demand for the street vended fresh juices and cold desserts day by day.
To enjoy the cooling sensation during hot summer days people are rushing towards thetraditional refreshmentstalls, and vendors. These roadside vendors are found selling the drinks in every nook and corner,at bus stops, shopping malls, near schools and recreationalcenters.They offer at low cost thefresh fruit juices, ice golas and all time favorite beverages.
Here are some popular street delights of Karachi.
The national drink of Pakistan has capability to overcome adverse effects of sweltering heat.It is extracted when sugarcane is run through a sugarcane machine. A glass of fresh sugar cane juice is rich in zinc, chromium, cobalt, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and copper. It contains Vitamins A, C, B1, and B2, B5 and B6 and iron. It also contains antioxidants, proteins soluble fiber, and phytonutrient.
Sugarcane contains natural sugar, which has low glycemic index that prevents steep rise in blood glucose levels and so can be taken as a substitute of aerated drinks by diabetics. However people with Type-2 diabetes should consult doctor before consuming it.
Watermelon juice:
During scorching summer days nothing can cool off better than watermelon juice. Vendors selling watertermelon juice are spread at every main street of Karachi. It is cooling and rich in vitamin C. The chilled juice is usually a combination of sweet red syrup or gulqand and rose petals. The fruit itself is a rich source of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and smaller amounts of copper, iron, and zinc. It is an excellent source of instant energy keeps the body hydrated and energetic during hot summer season.
It is loaded with lycopene, the red carotenoid pigment that gives it the red colour. This important anti-oxidant is powerful in neutralizing harmful free radicals in our body.It is high in vitamin B6, which is used by the body which relieves from fatigue, stress, anxiety etc. Daily consumption of pure watermelon juice acts as a natural moisturizer and toner for the face and keeps the skin glowing and well hydrated.
It is a time of the year to indulge in refreshing, cooling drinks made from seasonal fresh fruits such as phalsa or purple berries. The traditional coolantsour-sweet-reddish-purplephalsajuice keeps the body temperature down and provide the essential nutrients too. Phalsais one of the most popular summer fruits, full of iron, vitamin A, C, B1,2,3, calcium and dietary fiber. It helps prevent heat strokes. It offers radiation protection.Phalsajuice is an astringent, coolant, and nourishing drink. It is a low glycemic index fruit, thereby having positive effects on blood glucose metabolism.
It is a natural drug protects you from sunstroke, also purifies your blood. It solves a bunch of digestive and respiratory problems and relieve skin infections as well.
Plum (Aloo Bukhara) juice:
Fruity, sweet taste of plum juice caches the attraction of passerby every summer season.Aloo Bukhara is very attractive, healthy, and tasty and antioxidants rich fruit packed with the vitamins (especially vitamin A), minerals, iron etc. it boosts the mental and emotional health of the people as it contains all the essential properties of boosting the health if consumed on daily basis.
Plum also enhances the level of vitality among people if eaten on regular basis. Its high-level potassium and low-level sodium minerals plays vital role in normalizing the blood pressure level and lowering down the water retention in body. It contains proper amount of soluble dietary fibers, which helps in maintaining the normal blood sugar level by regularizing the absorption of glucose in blood. Plum prevents skin cells damage by protecting it from the harmful UV sunrays.
It naturally assists in treating the problem of constipation, irregular bowel movements and other disorders of digestive tract due to the availability of insoluble dietary fibers. To makeplum juice wash and put dried prunes in a large pot. Add water and bring to boil for 5 minutes. Smash properly and add limejuice init, turn off heat. Strain throughmuslin cloth. Now add water and sugar in a large pot. Heat until sugar dissolves. Mix in tamarind extract then cook for few minutes. Turn off heat and let it cool. To serve mix one part of syrup to three parts of water.
Icecandy (gola):
With the rise of temperature the demand for that delicious 'ice gola' (or ice candy) also increased. These ice golas are prepared from the crushed ice soaked in colourful flavored sugar syrup. Various flavors such as orange, mango, rose, roohafzaare added to make these Ice golas tasty and yummy.
In this extreme season of heat, a glass of sikanjbeen can help cool down your body and mind. It is common to see passersby stop at roadside stalls and drench their throats with sips of sakanjbeen.Juicy, sweet, tart, and sparkling cool summer drink is made from lemon juice, ice cold water sugar and pinch of salt. The drink has power to revitalize you on the hottest of days. Many vendors add flavor and taste to it by adding mint juice, roasted cumin powder, and black salt.
Mistidai (Sweet yogurt):
This Bengali delicacyhas became a huge favorite as the summer season peaks. It is available in selective sweet shops of Karachi;however, people come from every corner of the city to enjoy its taste. It is a fermented sweet yogurt. It is made with milk and sugar/jiggery. Earthenware is always used as the container for making this delectable delight because the gradual evaporation of water through its porous walls not only further thickens the yoghurt, but also produces the right temperature for the growth of the culture. yoghurt is optionally seasoned with a pinch of cardamom for fragrance.
If you want to prepare this sweet delight at home then add about 150 gm of sugar to one liter milk and boil on high flame for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Place the remaining sugar in a heavy-bottomed pan with two tbsp water and melt on low flame. Once the mixture becomes dark brown, add the sugar mixture gradually to the boiled milk. Now, boil again for five minutes, cool the mixture, add the curd, and mix well. Cover and allow it to set for about seven hours. Serve chilled.
Points to remember:
Summer street delights are hydrating, cooling and refreshing especially on a hot day. However, you are still at risk of suffering from food poisoning. Consuming untreated juices can pose health risks to your family.Here are some basic points to keep in mind to avoid food born illness.
-- The hygiene and purity of the water used in the making of juices is highlyimportant.water may be contaminated by bacteria, parasites and viruses that cause hepatitis, cholera, and typhoid fever. Even a small amount of contaminated water can make you ill.
-- Drinks are sometimes sold in reused glasses and jugs that are not cleaned properly. Make sure the glass you are being served in, should be cleaned, sterilized and there should be no traces of dirt and grease.
-- Look around the area, how juice is squeezed from the machine, where are the ingredients being picked from to be added in the juice. There should not be any flies, mosquitoes or other pests.
-- If you are buying ice gola or ice candy than make, sure the ice should not made from contaminated water and there should not be substandard sweeteners and colour.
-- Before buying street drinks, take the time to check out the sanitary conditions of vending site. For example, does the vendor wears gloves anddoes he has clean place to wash his hands and utensils?
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