Over 3.25 lakh acres of land would be brought under paddy crop during Kharif season in Sialkot district. Sources in Agriculture department told Business Recorder on Sunday that farmers in various parts four tehsils of the district had started sowing paddy crop in their respective areas. According to the sources paddy will be cultivated on 178738 acres in tehsil Sialkot, 153157 in tehsil Daska, 202328 in tehsil Pasrur and 87915 acres in tehsil Sambrial.
The local agriculture department had already initiated farmers training programme in 1442 villages of Sialkot, Daska, Pasrur and Sambrial tehsils of Sialkot district for enhancing per acre yield, utilisation of irrigation water, pesticides and fertiliser as well as cultivation of the different verities of paddy in Sialkot district sources added.
The Agriculture department had deputed special teams for providing proper guidance and assistance about the use of inputs, and transfer of plants into fields to the rice growers in Sialkot district.
It may be added that farmers community was reluctant and showing unwillingness to cultivate paddy crop in different areas of Sialkot district. The decline in paddy cultivation was the result of middle mans role and fast climatic changing conditions. However, Agriculture department was making adequate efforts to motivate the growers that they should bring their land under paddy crop in Sialkot district.
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