Two protesters were killed and at least 100 injured Saturday when anti-India demonstrators clashed with government forces in Indian-held Kashmir as the region remained locked down for the 64th straight day, officials said. One young man was killed in southern Shopian district when his head was hit with a tear gas canister fired by police, a medical officer in the local hospital said.
Another protester died of pellet injuries as government forces fired pump action shotguns to break up a public rally against Indian rule attended by thousands in Botengoo village in held Kashmir valley, a police officer said, speaking on condition of anonymity as he was not authorised to speak to media. The protests and clashes broke out in at least half a dozen places across the southern and central parts of the Himalayan valley. "We have reports of more than 100 injured in today's protests. Around 25 of them have bullet wounds," the police officer said.
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