Chief Executive (CE) Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) SM Muneer along with high powered Pakistani trade delegation visited Mauritius Board of Investment (BoI) on Friday. Welcoming the delegation, Ken Poonoosamy the Managing Director of the BoI thanked the CE TDAP stated that the Mauritius BoI along with the Enterprise Mauritius (which is the national agency responsible for Export development and promotion) has planned a hectic two-day B2B session for all the trade delegates and hoped that their efforts at matchmaking the two private sectors from Pakistan and Mauritius, would bear fruit.
It was stated that the reason for doing this B2B session in the BOI offices was to give a flavour to the Pakistani delegation of what Mauritius has to offer to the businesspersons form Pakistan. It was stated that the Governments of Mauritius and Pakistan have signed a number of trade instruments which include the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA), an agreement on avoidance of double taxation etc which have a great potential for enhancing their bilateral trade. But their potential has not been maximised to date and it was essential that the businesspersons from both sides must develop and maximise their businesses taking benefit from these agreements. -PR
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