Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry highlighted Pakistan's nuclear security credentials at the International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Security in Vienna, Foreign Office said. The Conference was organised by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from December 5 to 6, 2016.
In a statement, the Foreign Office said that Foreign Secretary led the Pakistan delegation to the conference, which also included representatives of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Strategic Plans Division and Pakistan's Ambassador to Austria.
Addressing the conference, the Foreign Secretary emphasised Pakistan's efforts to actively contribute to the strengthening of global nuclear security objectives. Pakistan believes that nuclear security is fundamentally a national responsibility and that states need to adopt strong measures at the national level, he said. He stated that Pakistan believes that IAEA has a central role in strengthening the international nuclear security architecture.
Recalling the measures taken by Pakistan in this regard, the Foreign Secretary said that Pakistan has ratified the amended Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials (CPPNM), it had participated actively in the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process, it had established a robust command and control system led by the National Command Authority (NCA) and established strong export controls that were consistent with all major international export control regimes.
He stated that Pakistan also reports regularly to the 1540 Committee of the UN Security Council. Aizaz Chaudhry particularly emphasised that Pakistan had experience of more than five decades of safe, secure and safeguarded civilian nuclear programme. He also mentioned about the excellent cooperation between Pakistan and IAEA.
During his remarks at the start of the Conference, according to the Foreign Office statement, DG IAEA Yukiya Amano cited Pakistan's Centre of Excellence on Nuclear Security as a "very impressive" example of the work being done by states on nuclear security. The Foreign Secretary also met a number of delegations of key countries on the margins of the Conference, it added.
On the occasion of Conference, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published a brochure outlining Pakistan's nuclear security regime. It's a part of Pakistan's policy to provide awareness and transparency about measures taken by it to strengthen nuclear security nationally, the statement added. It stated that the brochure, copies of which have been distributed among the participants of the Nuclear Security Conference, can be accessed online on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The statement added that Pakistan has established a comprehensive and effective national nuclear security regime which is at par with the latest international standards and guidelines. "The regime is based on an extensive legislative and regulatory framework governing the security of nuclear material, radioactive substances, associated facilities and activities. This is backed by strong institutions and organisations with the requisite authorities, resources and trained manpower for effective implementation", it added.
It stated that Pakistan keeps its nuclear security systems and measures under constant review and continues to invest in relevant technologies and human resources. Pakistan has established an independent nuclear regulatory authority with wide-ranging regulatory and inspection mandate, it added. According to the statement, Pakistan's nuclear security arrangements have been recognised at the international level by several high ranking officials and experts.
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