The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Friday directed the director Hajj to appear before the court on June 29 in a petition challenging the Hajj policy 2017. The petitioners Hajj operators through their counsel submitted that while allocating Hajj quota the government did not follow the command of Supreme Court. Their counsel said the criterion was laid down for the purpose of allocation of Hajj quota to the existing Hajj group operations (HGO) without fulfilling the conditions.
He said that in the interest of justice, equity and fair play the Hajj Policy-2014 is a clear contempt/deviation of the Supreme Court verdict and in view of Article 187 and 201 of the constitution. He said the Hajj quota should be allotted according to the recommendations made by the Competition Commission of Pakistan, keeping in view the economy of financial packages offered, quality of management and services provided and the financial strength of HGOs.


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