Print Print 2018-01-26

A secure business environment for economic development

An interview with Iftikhar Ahmad, Collector Preventive, Karachi
Published January 26, 2018

An interview with Iftikhar Ahmad, Collector Preventive, Karachi
Q. Is there a need to gradually transform the role of Pakistan Customs to greater enforcement?
Iftikhar Ahmed:
"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often" (Sir Winston Churchill). Indeed there is! Being the custodian of the economic frontiers of the country Pakistan Customs is the first and last point of contact for any import and export respectively. All over world, Customs activities are spread over a wide spectrum involving law enforcement, trade regulation and trade facilitation inter alia. There is no questioning the fact that over the years Pakistan Customs has strived with unfailing resolve to ensure the economic security of the country, however, with the passage of time and introduction of new initiatives like CPEC, expansion of trade from ports like Gwadar, introduction of Special Economic Zones, Export Processing Zones etc. there is a pressing need for Pakistan Customs, being the lead economic enforcement agency, to reinvent itself on the lines of Customs administrations of the developed world and continue to provide reassuring support to the government for effective enforcement of fiscal policies for bolstering economic growth and providing a safe environment to trade.
Q. How pertinent is the slogan: "A Secure Business Environment for Economic Development", for the current economic scenario in Pakistan?
It is unequivocally pertinent. The terms secure business environment has vast connotation, encompassing safe, legitimate, fair and sustainable trade enablers. Smuggling breaches all parameters of secure trade. It is not only a case of one-time loss of government revenue or damage to fair trade; it can endanger human safety, environment and ultimately impacts good governance of a society. Cross border crimes can be potentially fatal for trade and society e.g. money laundering and terror financing can undermine the very basis of peace and rule of law in any country. These indices conjoined with cost of doing business can spoil the economic and investment climate of any economic ecosystem. Collectorate of Customs Preventive being the premier enforcement arm of the department has been in the forefront of battle to eradicate smuggling and interdiction of narcotics. This year's Customs day slogan yet again enlightens the path for Customs formations to ensure secure business environment enabling domestic enterprises to expand and flourish with fair competition.
Q. How will Pakistan Customs celebrate World Customs Day?
Though traditionally held seminars and ceremonies do help in spreading the message of the Customs day, but the real celebration is by way of pledging itself to defend the country's economic borders, facilitate trade by providing a secure business environment to jumpstart export-led growth simultaneously. While doing so the slogan "A Secure Business Environment for Economic Development" is to be kept as the guiding principle.
Q. Where do you see Pakistan Customs Service in the next 20 years?
Pakistan Customs has to grow in tandem with the changing domestic and international economic scenario adopting international best practices to facilitate trade, crackdown illicit trade and ensure optimization of revenue. In today's world 20 years is more than long enough for many times overhaul of any department. The good thing, as far as Customs is concerned, is the inherent instinct for change and reinvention of core business environment and processes of customs. Time and again Customs has demonstrated its ability to learn, de-learn and re-learn. I am confident that Customs' march in time will continue and in next twenty years I envision Customs as a fully digitalized, end to end integrated with all national and international stakeholders, responsive, dynamic and effective organization having footprints on almost every significant economic initiative of the country.
Q. How will the mega projects being launched under CPEC affect the role of Customs Department?
We all know and realize that CPEC is a game changer for the country. However, it carries with it a lot of responsibilities for various government departments especially Customs. One important role of Customs, which being non-tangible is less commonly discussed, pertains to implementation of trade/industry development and modulation. CPEC entails many fold beef up of the enforcement role to ensure not only free and smooth flow of goods and materials but also to ward off any potential threat to domestic commerce & industry from misuse by the miscreants. CPEC routes will traverse our country mostly in north-south directions. These routes will in fact be customs corridors stretching all along the length of Pakistan, ensuring integrity of these corridors while letting the fair trade flow seamlessly is the challenge that Customs must measure upto. In many ways gearing up to handle potentially huge volumes of cargo under CPEC is one of the biggest enforcement challenge Customs is likely to face in near future. The brighter side is that the scale of task ahead is understood and the planning to undertake the challenge is underway.
Q. Any special message you would like to convey on this auspicious day?
Pakistan first!

Consequence High Medium Low
High High risk High risk Medium risk
Medium High risk Medium risk Medium risk
Low Medium risk Low risk Low risk

Figure 2: Risk level Matrix determined by6 likelihood and consequence
Copyright Business Recorder, 2018


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