Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Friday said the economic growth would help create new opportunities for the qualified people and reverse brain drain from the country. He was talking to a delegation of students from Institute of Business Management Karachi here at the Prime Minister Office.
The interaction forms part of a series of meetings held under the initiative in which students from various educational institutions from across the country are invited to the Prime Minister Office. The students were also briefed about working of the highest offices of the government.
Replying to the students' queries on health and education, the prime minister said those areas had been devolved to the provinces under the 18th Amendment. With greater financial allocations, it was now the responsibility of provinces to ensure provision of quality education and health facilities in their respective domains, he added. He said the federal government was committed to provide every possible assistances to the provinces for promoting education and ensuring provision of quality health facilities to the people.
The prime minister said the world was taking keen interest in the economic growth of Pakistan, keeping in view its huge market and the vast potential for further growth.
Responding to the challenges of climate change and the issue of sustainability, he said Pakistan was a responsible member of the international community. Despite the country's low carbon emissions level, the government had taken a number of steps, including fuel replacement, conversion of furnace oil power plants to more efficient and environmental friendly ones, and addition of solar energy to the existing energy-mix to further reduce the emission levels. Discussing the role of young entrepreneurs and professionals for addressing various challenges, the prime minister said the private sector being the engine of economic growth needed to play a leading role towards that. He said the universities and young minds equipped with knowledge and cutting edge technologies should steer the process and find solution to the issues.
Prime Minister Abbasi advised the young students to fully devote themselves to studies and equip themselves with the latest knowledge and research.
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