Prices of essential kitchen items witnessed a mixed trend during the past week as compared to the preceding week, according to a survey conducted by Business Recorder, here on Sunday. The retail market survey revealed tomato is being sold at Rs 30 per kilogram, as compared to Rs 40/kg last Sunday. Onion price remained unchanged at Rs 40/kg.
Red potato price witnessed a decrease and being sold at Rs 20/kg as compared to Rs 30 per kg, the price of last week. White potato was priced at Rs 20/kg, a reduction of Rs 5 from last week's price Rs 15/kg. No change was witnessed in price of ginger that remained available at Rs 160/kg. Garlic was being sold at Rs 100 to Rs 120/kg. Similarly, lemon price remained unchanged at Rs 120/kg.
According to survey, price of chicken meat witnessed a slight reduction of Rs 6 as now available at Rs 171/kg against Rs 177 last Sunday. Farm eggs price came down from Rs 100 to Rs 90 per dozen. Brinjal was being sold at Rs 40 per kg; carrot at Rs 30 per kg, as compared to Rs 40/kg last week while no change was witnessed in cucumber price as being sold at Rs 30 to Rs 40 per kg.
The wholesale price of a bundle of radish remained was Rs 120 to Rs 150 while in retail market, single radish was sold at Rs 20. Peas price was reduced to Rs 30/kg from Rs 80/kg. Kaddu was sold at Rs 50 to Rs 60/kg while Karela was available at Rs 70 as compared to Rs 80/kg last Sunday. Per kilogram Arvi price was Rs 50 per kg against Rs last Sunday.
Similarly, a noticeable decrease in price of cauliflower was also witnessed as being sold at Rs 20 per kg, as compared to Rs 50/kg and cabbage wad priced at Rs 40/kg. Capsicum price went further down from Rs 120 to Rs 80/kg and okra price reduced to Rs 60 per kg against Rs 80 last Sunday.
The survey noted one-kilogram good quality pulse price soared from Rs 125/kg to Rs 145. Tota rice was available at Rs 80/kg marking Rs 20 increase from Rs 60/kg price reported last week. The dhoti dal was being sold at Rs 100/kg as compared to Rs 120 last week. Per kilogram dal mash price increased from Rs 140 last week to Rs 160 this week.
White lobiya price also went up from Rs 120 to Rs 140 per kilogram. Similar hike of Rs 20 was witnessed in per kg price of Dal green (Rs 140/kg); moong (Rs 140/kg) while dal masoor remained available at Rs 100 per kg. Rupees 20 per kg rise in price of gram flour (baisen) was also noted as being sold at Rs 140/kg as compared to Rs 120 per kg while red bean was being sold at varying prices: Rs 120, Rs 140 to Rs 170 per kilogram.
Per kg prices of all brand and quality of cooking oil/ghee remained unchanged as available at Rs 120, Rs 160 to Rs 170 and Rs 180. Butchers continued to defy the official rate list and sold cow meat at exorbitant prices. Beef was available at Rs 300 to Rs 320 and Rs 340 per kilogram while mutton was being sold at Rs 700 to Rs 750/kg.
Apple was being sold at Rs 130 to Rs 150/kg, big Orange at Rs 150 per dozen, small orange at Rs 80 to Rs 100 per dozen, fruiter at Rs 80 per dozen, guava at Rs 80 per kg, banana at Rs 50 to Rs 80 per dozen. The survey noted per litre fresh milk was priced at Rs 100 to Rs 120 against the official fixed rate of Rs 80 per litre. Yogurt was being sold at Rs 100 to Rs 110 per kg. Good quality black tea was available at Rs 350 to Rs 400 per kg, green tea at Rs 250 per kg, one kilogram pack of milk powder was sold at Rs 700 in retail market.
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