Seed cotton (Phutti) over 11.5 million bales have reached ginneries across the country till Mar 1, 2018, registering an increase by 7.63 per cent as compared to corresponding period of last year. According to a fortnightly report of Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) released to media here Saturday, out of total arrivals, 11,524,581 bales have undergone the ginning process. Arrivals in Punjab were recorded at just over 7.2 million or 7,271,323 bales recording a percentage increase of 5.07 percent.
Arrivals in Sindh were recorded at 4,253,258 bales, some 12.32 per cent higher compared to corresponding period of last year. The total sold out bales of cotton were recorded at 10,795,949 bales including 10,579,334 bales bought by textile mills and 216,615 bales purchased by exporters. Over 709,108 bales were still lying with the ginneries as unsold stock.
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