Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has planned to establish five women's cricket academies across the country, Chairman PCB Najam Sethi, said. While speaking at a function hosted by PCB's Women Wing at the National Cricket Academy, Lahore, Najam Sethi said, "Women participation is necessary for the development; and therefore, the PCB is committed to ensure their empowerment. The PCB in that regard was protecting the interests of women and is providing them with equal opportunities without any discrimination."
Mentioning the contribution of Women's team in Pakistan's cricket, he said, he was extremely happy to see young girls coming forward from across the country to represent the national team and they are great ambassadors of the country. Sethi urged the families to give courage to their girls to come forward and represent Women's team in future. He further wished his luck to the women's team for upcoming Sri Lanka tour, and hoped the team will perform at optimum level to win the series.
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