Pakistani players of Quetta Gladiators and Peshawar Zalmi arrived in Lahore on Sunday to play an eliminator on March 20. Gladiators shared pictures on social media as the local members of the squad landed at Lahore's Allama Iqbal International Airport. They included skipper Sarfraz Ahmed, Asad Shafiq, Rahat Ali, Mohammad Nawaz, Umar Amin and Hassan Khan.
Pakistani players of Peshawar Zalmi also arrived in Lahore after a stopover in Karachi from Dubai. The foreign players of both teams will arrive in the city on Monday (today) for which strict security arrangements have been made. Two knock-out matches will be played at Lahore's Qadhafi Stadium on March 20 and 21, whereas the final will be held at Karachi's National Stadium on March 25.
The team to lose the qualifier today will reach Lahore today as well. In his tweet, Mohammad Hafeez has said: Back in my beloved country Pakistan to play the knock out stage of PSL-3. Excited to play in our own grounds & witness to most passionate crowd of cricket, Inshaa Allah want to play whole league in Pakistan soon, see you all in Lahore on 20th March Tuesday. Senior Zalmi player and former Pakistan captain Mohammad Hafeez shared his home-coming excitement on Twitter, saying he is looking forward to the time when the entire PSL is played in Pakistan.
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