The Punjab Agriculture Department (PAD) has once again advised the cotton growers to complete their sowing by May 31, throughout the province. In an advisory issued here on Thursday, PAD spokesman said that the department was making all out efforts to achieve cotton sowing target on an area of 6 million acres. Nevertheless, he said that cotton growers should complete their sowing within the scheduled time to get maximum production.
The spokesman also urged the cotton growers to sow cotton seed of approved varieties only and the department has already announced approved varieties for cotton cultivation. Spokesman of Agriculture Department disclosed that government has managed to ensure the availability of required quantity of certified cotton seed in the market for commercial cultivation during the forthcoming season.
There is no deficiency of quality seed at all. Cotton growers are advised to cultivate crop with approved varieties of cotton crop. Growers are advised to use 6 to 8 KG seed per acre which having 75 percent of growing intensity. It is highly recommended to cultivate 10 percent area of the total non-BT varieties and this practice will discourage to build up immunity of harmful pests & insects of cotton crop. For cotton cultivation, growers should chose such land which is porous and mange to filter air properly.
This kind of soil is extremely essential for cotton growth as having capacity for the growth of roots of cotton to fully expand internally. Cotton growers should pay special heed towards removal of weeds in cotton crop as it serves as debris for Whitefly which is responsible for Cotton Leaf Curl Virus (CLCV) attack and Mealy bug of cotton.
Spokesman further said that under special directives of Muhammad Mahmood Secretary Agriculture Punjab department is full alert for achieving cotton high production and assisting technically its level best to cotton growers. Extension and Pest Warning has deputed teams for check & balance of insect threshold attack in Punjab. Also through smart phones equipped with special applications, agriculture department is providing technical assistance to cotton growers.
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