Secretary Primary and Secondary Health Ali Bahadur Qazi has constituted two separate inquiry committees, to probe into the global fund report on Punjab TB Control Program and other program related complaints. The committees have been asked to take appropriate measures as per rules/policy. The first committee which would conduct inquiry into the TB Control Program is consisting on Dr Ayesha Saeed Special Secretary Primary & Secondary Health Department as convener while other two members of the committee included Dr. Shehnaz Naseem, Additional Secretary Technical and Dr Zahida Sarwar Project Director Hepatitis Control Program, Primary & Secondary Health Department. The committee may also co-apt any member if the convener deems necessary.
The second committee, which would conduct inquiry into the issues and complaints related to integrated reproductive, mother, new born and child health & nutrition program would also be headed by Special Secretary P&SHD Dr Ayesha Saeed while the other members are included Additional Secretary Technical Dr. Shehnaz Naseem, Project Director Hepatitis Control Program Dr Zahida Sarwar and Dr Haroon Jehangir Khan Director Headquarters office of the DGHS Lahore. The committee may also co-apt any member if it is deems necessary. The committee shall complete its tasks within two weeks.
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