President Awami National Party (ANP), Asfandyar Wali Khan on Friday rejected the results of Elections 2018 and announced staging against rigging on Monday (July 30). Addressing a press conference here at Wali Bagh Charsadda, Asfandyar Wali alleged that massive rigging was made after completion of polling time and polling agents of ANP were expelled from many polling stations during counting of ballot papers in the province.
He said ANP would participate in All Parties Conference (APC) of opposition parties in wake of election results and would take decisions with mutual consensus. "We are the followers of Bacha Khan and our protest will remain peaceful whatever the situation may arisen in future," he said. He said workers have been asked to remain peaceful and do not indulge with any sort of wrangling with PTI workers.
ANP has fully participated in election 2018 despite serious life threats to its candidates and have given tough time to political opponents, he said. He said one of ANP strong candidate for PK-78, Haroon Bilour was martyred in a suicide attack during a corner meeting.
Asfandyar said he had visited Swabi district on part of election campaign inspite of life threats and has motivated workers to participate in elections with full enthusiasm. "We remained steadfast in election fields and gave time to political opponents," he said.
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