Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Mian Saqib Nisar on Friday rejected a report of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on leakage of rainwater from newly-constructed building of the Islamabad International Airport. The chief justice observed that the video record showed rainwater inside the airport building whereas the report tried to hide the fact. Director General CAA Hassan Baig and officials from Pakistan International Airline (PIA) were present in the court along with legal advisor. The PIA official stated that the building shown in the video was under construction and the water accumulated there was not due to seepage but drizzling effect.
The chief justice expressed serious disappointment on the report and warned the officials for contempt of court proceedings in addition to an inquiry by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA). The chief justice also took notice of "air-safari" tour recently arranged by the PIA for the officials of CAA making a number of tourist and passengers wait for hours at Skardu airport.
The CJP directed the CAA director general to submit details of expenses incurred on the air safari tour. The PIA legal advisor told the court that 42 guests were invited to the air-safari and the total expense was Rs2.38 million. The chief justice accepting the request of a law officer sought detailed report on the matter by July 31.
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