The interim Punjab Chief Minister Dr Hasan Askari on Friday said that administration in Punjab has given a proof of its professional competence by making best arrangements for general elections.
He said that holding of peaceful and transparent elections was a daunting task and this challenge has been met with the blessings of Allah Almighty. "A level playing field was provided to all the parties to ensure free and transparent elections while the Pakistani people have proved that they are fully conscious with regard to continuity of democracy," Dr Askari added.
He further said that caretaker government was given the responsibility of holding free and transparent elections and this has been performed honestly. Effective monitoring of elections helped in maintenance of law and order and police jawans diligently performed their duties despite harsh weather conditions, he said.
He said the whole team of caretaker government performed its duties with commitment and passion and received the reward of hard work and untiring efforts in shape of continuity of democratic process.
Moreover, Dr Askari has expressed deep sense of sorrow and grief over the death of four persons of a family due to fire in Islamabad. He extended heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the bereaved family.
Askari has also expressed deep sense of sorrow and grief over the death of father of Irfan Qadir, former Attorney General of Pakistan.
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