Partly Facetious : PTV into staff's hands
"Fawad Chaudhry says he has given editorial control of Pakistan Television to the staff."
"That's a good thing isn't it? I mean a channel run on public money must not be partisan so why the scepticism?"
"I was just wondering if the staff trained painstakingly to be partisan has the capacity to be non-partisan just because Chaudhry sahib says that they must be so... and...and...let me finish, the channel run on our tax money has already begun to do what they are trained to and have simply replaced LNG Abbasi with Imran Khan, Maryam Aurangzeb with Fawad Chaudhry and God bless the staff of Pakistan Information Department, they too have done a name replacement and then our taxpayers also pay for the Associated Press of Pakistan and Radio Pakistan which are dedicated to serving the new dispensation."
"Seamless transfer of air time, hunh! The dream of politicians..."
"Don't be facetious."
"OK, so what do you suggest?"
"Institutional change for the status quo parties was to replace staff with loyalists, I would hope for the PTI institutional change means making the entities that the tax payers pay crores of rupees for each year to be self sufficient financially, you know the amount is probably even more than what was spent on the Prime Minister's House every year during his predecessors tenures, and that means off loading their shares on the market so that the public actually owns these entities - a process that Imran's successor won't be able to reverse."
"That can be done for the PTV, Radio Pakistan and APP but not PID."
"Then disband PID like he has disbanded CADD..."
"What about the hundreds of staff that are currently working in PTV and APP?"
"What about the five hundred plus staff working in the Prime Minister's House!"
"Put them in a surplus pool and wait for them to take a golden handshake or the option of early retirement or whatever; and use the buildings for other purposes."
"The Man Who Shall Remain Nameless and who referred to himself as a dog's tail that is unlikely to be tamed by anyone submitted his resignation and wants SAM and therefore is..."
"Sam as in Uncle Sam?"
"Ha ha ha, maybe, but I meant to engage in an activity that would bear fruit to his Search for A Name."
"Right and that reminds me Imran should no longer allow the prime minister to be the Patron in Chief of sports."
"Right an institutional change!"
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