Sui Southern Gas Company's (SSGC's) Counter Gas Theft Operations (CGTO) team continued to show zero tolerance to the customers involved in illegal use of gas. As part of Operation Grift, the team conducted several raids in Dadu in Sindh and Quetta, Balochistan and made handsome gains.
Three raids were conducted in different areas of Quetta. The first raid was conducted on a tandoor and chips shop where the domestic customer was found using gas for commercial purpose for running his business. Gas load obtained at the time of raid was 500 cft/ hr. Another raid was also undertaken on a domestic customer who was found using gas for commercial purpose for running a food joint. At the time of raid, gas load was recorded 545 cft/ hr. The third raid was undertaken on a domestic customer who was using gas for commercial purpose for operating water hydrant. Total load obtained at the time of raid was 1,950cft/hr.
The CGTO team based in Nawabshah carried out a joint raid in Dadu in Sindh. The offender was found using gas directly for commercial purposes for Power Generation through 20KW Generator at Ayub Jamali Petroleum Service, Johi. Connected load was found to be 250 cft/hr. Claim will be raised accordingly and FIR is being lodged. The customer was told to apply for commercial connection of RLNG, like many such customers involved in criminal activities of this kind.-PR
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