Temperature further dropped to minus 9 degrees Celsius in Kalam over the past 24 hours, as the Met Office on Wednesday forecast cold weather for the most parts of the country. It said that Murree received one inch of snowfall over the past 24 hours, as temperature in Astore was minus 6 degrees Celsius, Hunza and Gupis minus-5 each, Kalat, Malamjabba and Skardu minus-4 each, Bagrote minus 3, Quetta, Murree and Dir minus-2, each, Rawalakot, Parachinar, Drosh and Kakul minus-1 each.
In the next 24 hours: Mainly very cold and dry weather is expected in northern areas with dense and shallow fog in a few central and southern parts of Punjab. Cold and dry weather elsewhere will prevail. "A westerly wave is affecting upper parts of the country and likely to persist in next 12 hours," the Met said.
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