Indian soldiers on Saturday killed six freedom fighters in Indian-held Kashmir during a brief firefight, officials said, sparking clashes between protestors and police. All six freedom fighters belonged to Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind, a small Kashmiri rebel group whose now only surviving member is its chief Zakir Musa, top police officer Munir Ahmad Khan told AFP.
Soldiers zeroed in on a militant hideout in an orchard during searches in southern Tral area and fired warning shots, triggering a brief firefight that left the six freedom fighters dead, inspector general of police Swayam Prakash Pani said.
Eye witnesses said hundreds of locals came out on the streets and clashed with police, who had to fire tear gas to disperse them, after encounter with the freedom fighters.
Authorities also suspended mobile internet and train services in held Kashmir valley to prevent a large gathering of protestors.
This has been the deadliest year in a decade in held Kashmir, with more than 550 people including 150 civilians killed, according to a monitoring group.
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