Sanam Bhutto has arrived in Pakistan and met her nephew Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari amid the speculation that her brother-in-law Asif Ali Zardari may be arrested on corruption charges. Aaj News reported on Saturday that Sanam Bhutto, the younger sister of slain PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto, is likely to be assigned an important role by the family if PPP co-chairman Asif Zardari were arrested.
Pakistan Peoples Party leadership has summoned Central Executive Committee meeting at Naudero House (Larkana) on December 26. Zardari, the president of PPP Parliamentarians and Bilawal, PPP chairman, will co-chair the huddle. Sources said that the party would discuss future course of action amid speculation that Zardari may be arrested on corruption charges. However, CEC meeting is held on December 26 since the first anniversary of Benazir Bhutto's murder as she was killed on December 27, 2007. PPP leaders gather in Larkana to attend the anniversary related rituals and public meeting on December 27 at Garhi Khuda Bux graveyard.
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