Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar Monday said that best investment opportunities are available in the province of Punjab and the provincial government would provide all the necessary facilities to the Chinese companies that would make investment in Punjab. "We would welcome the investment of Chinese company in energy and other sectors," the CM said while talking to a Chinese delegation that led by Wang Xu President of Huaneng Shandong Ruyi called on him at his office here Monday.
Wang Xu said Huaneng Shandong Ruyi would set up its office in Punjab and hoped that new investment opportunities would be created as a result of it. "We want to expand cooperation in textile and other sectors as well," he said. He also briefed the Chief Minister about company's performance and its projects' details.
Talking on the occasion, the CM maintained that bilateral relations between Pakistan and China were touching new heights, adding China had always sided with Pakistan in every difficult situation. "We appreciate Chinese investment in Pakistan as a number of projects, which have been started in collaboration with China, are running successfully."
He said that investment environment had been boosted further due to the multibillion dollar CPEC project. He said the best investment opportunities were available in Punjab, adding the provincial government would provide all the necessary facilities to the Chinese companies that would make investment in the Punjab. "We would welcome the investment of Chinese company in energy and other sectors," he added. He also congratulated the delegation on the advent of new Chinese year. The delegation also extended an invitation to the Chief Minister to visit Shandong.
Vice President Huaneng Shandong Liu Jie, CEO Sahiwal Coal Power Plant Song Taji, CEO Ruyi Group Li Aiying were included in the delegation. Chairman P&D, Principal Secretary to CM, Secretary Energy, MD Punjab Power Development Board and others were also present at the meeting.
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