The Punjab chief minister Sardar Usman Buzdar Monday said that difficulties faced by the industrial sector will be solved on priority basis in a bid to promote trade and industry in the province. "It is imperative to encourage the investors for increasing exports and I will play my role for solving the genuine problems of the Pakistan Ethanol Manufacturing Association (PEMA)," Sardar Usman said while talking to a delegation of PEMA, here today.
Later, chairing a high-level meeting, held to review the arrangements of holding International Livestock Show/International Buffalo Congress, the CM said that tremendous potential of livestock sector exists in the province of Punjab and national economy can be strengthened by developing this sector on permanent basis. However, he said there is need to give attention to the aspect of research and development in the livestock sector. He also directed to constitute a committee for holding the event in a befitting manner.
Moreover, talking to Chairman Pakistan Ulema Council Mualana Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi, the CM said that Pakistan will be transformed as an Islamic welfare state in its true sense by changing the course of history. He said the role played by the religious scholars in obstructing fanaticism is praiseworthy. "We should move forward the golden principles of Islam including tolerance, peace, harmony and brotherhood," he said, adding: "Steps will be taken for promoting religious harmony in consultation with the religious scholars and in this regard, process of consultation will be continued."
He said the Sahiwal incident is very tragic and the Punjab government is with the bereaved family and every effort will be made to provide justice to them. He said that responsible persons will be put on trial in an anti-terrorism court and justice will be visible to everybody. Tahir Ashrafi, on the occasion, said that Ulema are with the government for promoting brotherhood, peace and harmony.
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