Rice exporters have welcomed the government's proposal of adding the rice sector into 'Zero Rated Basket' for promotion of export. Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce, Textile, Industry and Production and Investment, Abdul Razak Dawood, announced this proposal, addressing the members of Rice Exporters Association (REAP) on Saturday night in Karachi. He also assured full support for bringing rice into the zero rated sectors.
Rice exporters believe that with zero rated status, rice exports will grow annually and achieve target of $5 billion exports in next five years. Leading rice exporter and former member of REAP managing committee Muzammil R Chappal said that for the last many year REAP was demanding zero rating status to enhance rice export. "Announcement made by Abdul Razak Dawood Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce, is heartening since it remains a major demand of entire rice sector as Pakistani exporters are facing difficulties to compete in world market due to higher cost of production," he said.
Chappal said that with induction of rice into basket of zero rated sector, the Pakistani exporter can compete with India and other countries by offering competitive price. "We (exporters) believe that this initiative will help us explore new markets and achieve $5 billion mark export target in next five years," he said.
Muzammil appreciated the efforts of Abdul Razak Dawood and said that for the first time in the history some concrete and sincere measures at the government level for increase in rice exports had been witnessed. To him, government's efforts for promotion of export a step in right direction and would definitely result in achievement of all time high exports by end of this fiscal year.
Chappal lauded government efforts for a higher crop yield. He said that with technical support from China and Japan, Pakistan can increase per acre crop yield to achieve the goal of "Produce more Earn more". He said that with sincere efforts of REAP, Pakistan's rice exports had posted a phenomenal growth and touched $2 billion mark up from $300 million during the last 12 years.
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