Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday visited Turkey where he will meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for talks to ease tensions over bilateral disputes and the long-running Cyprus problem. Tsipras, in his second visit to Turkey as Greek premier in four years, arrived in the capital Ankara and was due to meet Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay before heading into talks with Erdogan.
The Greek and Turkish leaders are expected to discuss disputed Cyprus energy exploration, Aegean sea issues, a migrant deal and economic cooperation though analysts see little concrete progress. "We are going through a difficult period in our relations with Turkey, which is why we have to continue to discuss," Greek government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos told KritiTV. "This visit can contribute to de-escalation of tensions."
In December 2017, Erdogan became the first Turkish president to visit Greece in 65 years. But he stunned his hosts when he asked for a revision of the 1923 Lausanne Treaty that defines the borders of modern Turkey after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
The Turkish leader also denounced "discrimination" of Greece's Muslim minority in northern towns like Komotini, near the border, citing a chapter in the treaty about minority rights, which he said had not been "respected".
"During my visit, I think we will have the opportunity to continue the difficult but frank dialogue that began in December 2017," Tsipras said in an interview with the Turkish state-run news agency Anadolu ahead of the visit. For Ozgur Unluhisarcikli at the German Marshall Fund of the United States think tank, "the positions (of the two countries) are too far away" to bring concrete results and the main objective would be to see "if there is any space for dialogue in the future".
Tsipras's visit comes a few days after the 23rd anniversary of a 1996 crisis that brought the two countries to the edge of a war over the sovereignty of rocky islets - called Kardak by Ankara and Imia by Athens. The trip also comes 20 years after the beginning of a rapprochement in ties in 1999 when Greece rushed to Turkish help following a devastating earthquake.
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