In a recent announcement, the Minister for Maritime Affairs, Ali Haider Zaidi disclosed a groundbreaking development, Commencement of Night Navigation at Port Qasim. Lack of Night Navigation happened to be a cause of delays which are damaging for the shipping operations resulting in serious monetary losses. To address the problem steps on preferential bases were taken.
Port Qasim Authority has been performing Night Navigation since last 15 years. Initially, only the container and small tankers were allowed with operational bow thruster. The parameter and bow thruster requirements were reviewed and gradually enhanced, but vessel above 170 meters of LOA were not qualified to be handled at night. The main bulk of shipping such as mini-max, handy max, general cargo and tanker above 170 meters were used to wait for the day break and navigated during day light. In fact night navigation was not allowed at the LCT terminal at all for any vessel.
With effect from 1st February 2019 PQA has commenced night navigation for bulkers, general, break bulk cargo vessels and medium sized tankers. This will cover vessels calling at the following terminals, where none of the ships were handled at night so far:
LCT handling Palm oil tanker of medium size (12-15 ships per month), MW-1 to MW-4 handling coal and general cargo, FOTCO handling medium size of tanker, PIBT handling 15 ships per month mainly handy and mini max, DP World (QICT) will also be benefited as now vessel up to 210 meter of LOA can be handled without bow thruster and previously it was mandatory. At present PQA handles 130 vessels monthly; whereas, most vessels are not allowed for night transit.-PR
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