In order to provide opportunity to clerical/non-clerical staff of the Bank to perform Umrah, balloting was held at Head Office of The Bank of Punjab on February 13th, 2019 for selecting successful staff members for performing Umrah attended by Dr Pervez Tahir, Chairman Khalid Tirmizey, Acting President/CEO, and other senior executives of the Bank. Upon balloting, Malik Sarfraz Ali, Nasir Iqbal and Naseer Ullah were declared as successful staff members for performing Umrah.
While felicitating the successful staff members for their selectionfor performing Umrah, the Chairman expressed confidence that step taken by management to fulfil one of the greatest desire of every Muslim shall go a long way in boosting morale of staff members and they would work with more zeal and fervor for the future progress of the Bank.-PR
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