Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah in recognition of Lyari's Children Football team, under 10 and 12, has announced a Rs100,000 cash award for each and every player who participated in Qatar football tournament and won. He also announced to develop football grounds in Lyari. He made this announcement while meeting with the football players here at the CM House on Thursday. Chief Minister Advisor on Information Murtaza Wahab was also present on the occasion.
The chief minister was told that two Lyari's football teams, under 10 and 12 participated in Qatar Youth Football tournament and both the team had won final. Some 27 players of both the teams led by two coaches had participated in Qatar Tournament and won. The Chief Minister congratulated the teams, their coaches and their parents for winning the tournament. He vowed to develop their football ground in Lyari and announced Rs100,000 cash award for each and every player and Rs200,000 each for both the coaches. The Chief Minister said that he was proud of their children team who have shine the name Lyari and Pakistan with their performance. "We will be supporting you in development of your sports, grounds and other facilities," he said and vowed to make them best players of the world.
Murad Ali Shah urged all the children/football champions to continue their education along with their sports. "The education is must for you," he said and added he would be supporting them in every aspect of their career. Shah also presented football kit for each and every player and also presented them ajraks. Latter, the Chief Minister played football with the small champions in the lawn of the CM House.
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