National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Monday filed a fourth reference in fake bank accounts scam in the Accountability Court against Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Omni Group Khawaja Abdul Ghani Majeed and 13 others. The NAB has filed reference against the CEO Omni Group and others at the registrar office of the Accountability Court on charges of illegal award of a contract to favourite contractor in Sindh and purchase of plots through fake bank accounts.
The registrar office forwarded the reference for hearing to Accountability Court-II. The others accused in the reference include Manahil Majeed, former secretary Sindh Ijaz Ali, Hassan Ali Mamon, Ali Akbar, Ijaz Memon, and Azahar Nawaz. According to the NAB reference, accused Abdul Ghani had purchased plots through illegal money in the name of Manahil Majeed.
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