Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has been "at the risk of another stroke," his daughter Maryam Nawaz, said on Monday. Maryam took to Twitter and said that a team of health specialists of Aga Khan University Hospital examined the former premier. She added that the doctors included cardiac interventionist, vascular surgeon, urologist and nephrologists reviewed his recent investigations and scans.
Maryam said that reports were being compiled and her father's [health] problems were serious and the doctors were concerned about them. She added that the doctors were mulling over it, though final recommendations were still awaited.
"Apart from the heart, the carotid arteries also either need stenting or surgery because the blood supply to [Nawaz's] brain is compromised which puts him at risk of another stroke," Maryam said, requesting everyone for prayers.
Maryam further said that the decision about former premier Nawaz Sharif's treatment has not been finalized yet. Nawaz Sharif requires serious medical attention as his health is deteriorating with time, she added.
Earlier, Nawaz visited the Sharif Medical City Hospital where a team of doctors in the presence of his personal physician Dr Mohammad Adnan conducted his medical tests. The doctors also reviewed Nawaz's medical test reports and advised him regarding the future course of action for his treatment.
Dr Mohammad Adnan told media that Nawaz Sharif might need to undergo another bypass surgery. He added that Nawaz Sharif is suffering from diseases of cardiac, kidneys, sugar and low-blood circulation to brain.
Nawaz Sharif's health is considered to be in sensitive condition and he remains under observation of doctors at home despite not being admitted to the hospital. Furthermore, a pacemaker will have to be permanently implanted to stabilize his heartbeat and cardiology intervention is also required, the sources said.
It may be noted that Nawaz was released from Kot Lakhpat Jail in March after the Supreme Court granted him six-week bail for obtaining medical treatment, has been undergoing treatment at Sharif Medical City Hospital.
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