Chief Secretary Punjab Yousaf Naseem Khokhar has said that like Ramazan bazaars, availability of daily-use commodities at fixed prices would also be ensured in open market and stern action would be taken against profiteers and hoarders. He directed that separate queues for elderly persons be made in Ramazan bazaars so that they could not face any problem.
Talking to reporters during surprise visit to Shadman Ramazan bazaar, the Chief Secretary said that the Punjab government is giving huge subsidy on essential items to provide relief to common man. He directed that as well as prices strict check be kept on quality, supply and demand to avoid shortage of any commodity during the holy month of Ramazan.
The Chief Secretary inspected different stalls and asked consumers about quality and prices of eatables. He also issued instructions regarding cleanliness arrangements in Ramazan bazaars. He ordered that number of counters be increased in case of rush of buyers.
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